What Accountants Know
What do accountants bring to the table for charitable donations? I would like to make the case for a special kind of support, something that will help EVERY charity and something that comes naturally with accounting training and experience.
The difficult fact that each charity faces is that nobody wants to support administrative costs. Governments don’t fund this area, nor do foundations or private individuals as a rule. Yet every charity spends a signification amount of time and money on administration: paying the rent, keying in the payroll, buying insurance, etc.
As accountants, we are arguably experts on administration. We track it. We analyze it. We minimize it. We research it. And we appreciate it when it’s done well.
So many not-for-profit organizations I’ve worked with actually underspend on administration. They use obsolete computers and inadequate software, forcing them to spend too much staff and volunteer time on admin. Often staff are not sufficiently trained in standard packages like word processors and spreadsheets, so too much time gets spent on the otherwise normal processing of transactions and reports. Others are lucky enough to have
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